Rahul and Pooja are married for 7 years and they have a 4-year-old son. The couple is madly in love with each other. However, Pooja is an impulsive buyer and she ends up spending all her hard-earned money on things that she actually does not need. Although Rahul loves Pooja, he does not really appreciate this habit of hers. He spoke to Pooja several times and though Pooja understands that she should not indulge in impulsive buying, she fails every time she goes to a mall or any market. Now that they have a son and soon his formal education is going to start which needs quite a good amount of money, Rahul is a little irked by this habit of Pooja.
Rahul being the smart person he is, finally found a way out to solve this matter. As the month of February has arrived, Pooja has started expecting some gifts from her loving husband. Rahul gave her the best possible Valentine’s Day gift, which is a life insurance policy. Although this Valentine’s Day 2022 gift is way different from the gifts that he has showered on Pooja in all these years, Pooja has now finally found a way out to save some money. She has also promised Rahul that she will be consistently paying the premiums to continue the life insurance policy.

Like Pooja, there are many among us who spend all their money on things that they do not even love or require at all. It becomes a habit and slowly we waste all our money. If you too are one among this kind of people, you also should start investing into insurance. Let us check out the various financial gifts that you can choose for your partner.
5 Best Financial Gift Options to give to your partner on Valentine’s Day 2022
1. Health Insurance
The majority of us sit back and work all through the day. Even if we indulge in physical exercise, it is not for more than an hour. This finally leads to several lifestyle diseases. And as we get older, these diseases get even worse. As a result, we have to be fully dependent on medicines and even need to be hospitalized if things get worse. In one such situation, a health insurance policy can be of great help. Many people do not get the best treatment because they cannot afford it. If you do not want to be one of them, you must buy a health insurance plan. Make sure you check the health insurance coverage before finalizing the policy.
2. Term Insurance
Sad but true, many people have passed away in these two years, leaving their spouses and kids behind. When the member who contributes the lion’s share in the family dies, it becomes difficult for the family to get back on the right track for a long time. This is when a term insurance policy helps. When you have a term insurance plan, even if something unfortunate happens to you, your spouse and children will not be financially affected. The sum assured is paid to the nominee of the term insurance plan once the policyholder dies within the policy term.
No we are not talking about the concept of sharing is caring. Here, we mean investing in shares. It might sound risky but once you know about it, you will love it. Also, you have the entire Valentine’s week to make your spouse understand how shares work. You can shortlist some of the brands that you prefer, and buy a share of your favorite one. However, you must gift an investment handbook to your partner to get a good idea of it.
4. Long-Term Bond
Take a look and you will find many long-term bonds that come with a maturity period of at least 10 years. However, if you are going to ask your spouse to take care of it, you can go for a low-risk one. This will help your spouse to get a huge amount upon maturity of the bond.
5. Savings Account for Children
Once you have kids, love is not all about husband and wife. Your kids are equally or even the most important to you. Why not do something for them if it gives you true joy? In that case, you can opt for a savings account for your child. The account will be taken care of by the parents until the child turns 18 years old. This will also help you in saving a good amount of money for your kids.

While considering these as gifts for your partner this Valentine’s Day, you must enlighten them about the options. You need to make sure that they can take care of the investment options even without your help.