Why Medical Test is Important While Buying a Term Insurance Policy?

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Varun has been a fit person all his life. He would take the healthiest meals, run regularly, and always stick to healthy habits. Recently, he shortlisted some term insurance policies and finally contacted one insurance company. The insurance company requested him to undergo a medical test so that they can customize a plan for him. Upon undergoing the medical test, it was diagnosed that Varun has diabetes. Now, the insurance company is offering him a term insurance plan in which diabetes treatment expenses are covered.

The majority of us consider ourselves the fittest and undergoing routine checkups seem to be a waste of money to us. This is one of the reasons why insurance companies have made it mandatory for policy buyers to undergo a medical test. Even if we look healthy from the outside, we may be developing some kind of illness that has not shown up any symptoms yet. Let us discuss in length why term insurance medical test is so important.

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The need for term insurance medical test

A medical test of the policy buyer is conducted to determine his/her health quotient. On the basis of the test reports, the insurance company further customizes the term insurance policy. You might come across insurance companies that advertise themselves of offering term plans without medical tests. However, the prudent idea is not to fall for them. That is just an advertising gimmick and going for them can have repercussions in the longer run.

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Chances of claim rejection

If you think an insurance company is not asking for a medical test, this means you can relax, you are mistaken. You would be required to mention your health condition while filling up the application form. In case, you have been planning to hide your health condition, it can lead to severe consequences on the coverage of your insurance policy. There are actually examples of claims being rejected each year because of this particular reason.

Affordable Premium

The premium is decided by the company on the basis of risk perception. Undergoing a medical test before purchasing a term insurance policy will lower your premiums. Let us cite an example of this. Ramesh and Gautam apply for a term insurance policy; hence, undergo a medical test. Ramesh’s sugar level comes normal, while Gautam is on borderline diabetes. Ramesh will pay a lesser premium than Gautam. If both of them do not undergo a medical test, they will end up paying the same premiums, and in this case, maybe Ramesh is paying the same as Gautam.  This will lead Ramesh to pay more amount than it is required.

Lesser Risk Coverage

If you come across a no medical test-required policy, understand it is a low-value plan. In this case, even if you are the fittest, any insurance provider will not offer you more than INR 5 lakh. If you are looking for a policy that provides higher coverage, you must undergo a medical test.

When does one have to undergo a term insurance medical test?

A medical test is mandatory if your

  • age is more than 35 years
  • choice of sum assured is INR 10 lakhs or even more.
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However, in case of pre-existing illnesses, hereditary conditions, and family history, a medical test will certainly be required for buying a term insurance plan.

5 Term Insurance Plans that do not need a medical checkup

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Mentioned herein below are some of the term insurance plans that do not need a medical test:

  1. LIC Tech Term Plan: When you are considering this plan, there is no need for LIC tech term medical test. However, it is subject to meeting particular conditions in the document of the policy.
  2. Future Generali Smart Life: This is yet another term insurance plan that provides a sum assured to the nominee when the insured passes away within the policy term. The policy does not demand the insured to undergo a medical screening.
  3. ICICI Pru iCare Term Plan: One of the best things about this term insurance policy is the affordable term premium. The policyholder can opt for single pay and regular pay. Like the rest of the two term insurance plans, this policy also does not need a policy buyer to get a medical checkup done.
  4. MetLife Term Insurance Plan: If you are planning to take this term insurance plan, up to a certain limit of sum assured you do not have to undergo a medical screening.
  5. HDFC Click 2 Protect Plus Plan: This is again a term insurance plan for which you do not need to get a medical screening done. As you opt for this plan, you will be able to enhance the protection under some milestones such as childbirth, marriage, etc.


Nevertheless, if you are looking to buy term insurance policies that provide a higher sum assured, you must get your medical checkup done.

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