Buy Insurance With Extra Bonus!

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Extra money always excites us!

Each of us have received calls promising insurance products which offers extra bonus and huge returns. Don’t fall trap of such calls

Insurance products can never offer high returns. If you are aiming high returns, opt for other options. The premium paid in insurance has three components- Mortality, Expenses and Investment part. When you pay your premium, the insurance company deducts the Mortality (Charge towards Insurance) and Expenses. The balance part- investment part is then invested in Government bonds (Debt Instruments). Then how can the premium paid offer return more than the current rates, in fact it will be lesser.

Remember the Golden Rule- Insurance is bought for the protection of the family in the event of Early Death. It’s not an investment product with High returns.

Please ask for the product brochure and do your research before falling trap of such calls.

Also Read:  What is the role of the Surveyor in your Insurance Claim?

Shailesh Kumar

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